A VIP welcome to all my Achievers since 1911!

Hi everyone, welcome to my home page! You are visitor number 12629. Thanks for stopping by. This is just a place for friends and family to hang out and see what's going on in mi vida loca. Bare with me, things are still under konstruction. If you have any pictures you like, e-mail them to me and I will add you to my site! I finally got a kouple of pictures added to my page so take a peek at the links and let me know what you think!

NEWS FLASH!!!If you haven't heard, I am on military leave from Delta Air Lines (temporarily) to become a fighter pilot in the Air National Guard! I will be flying the F-16 Fighting Falcon (Viper) as a part of the 187th Fighter Wing. I got my wings in 2004 and I "converted" to the T-38C September 2005. . . .After 32 years of dreaming, I am finally flying the F-16! Kheck my webpage periodically if you want to see what I am up during my transition to fighters.
If you want to see what I am up to in the Air Force, click this link:

US Air Force Pilot Training(Take 2)!


Click for Atlanta, Georgia Forecast

If you don't know me or you got here by mistake, HOLLA@ME!

Have something to say? Like the site? Hate the site? Send me some e-mail!

Working for Delta affords me the opportunity to see the world. Wanna see where I have been? Then klick the links to view my photos (Koming soon: Venice, Italy; Rome, Italy; Milan, Italy).
Leti & Rich Eurotrip 2006!
Meet the Krew!
Kheck out these pictures from Spain!
Oktoberfest 2002 and 2003!
Here are some pictures from London!
Our trip to Puerto Rico!
New Years 2001 in Amsterdam!
Hanging out in Tokyo!
On the beach in St. Thomas!
Prague, my favorite city!
The Price is right!

Kheck out these links!

Visit Polly's new homepage, eh!
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
My testimony before the U.S. Senate.
My article in the 'NCAA News.'
My motion picture debut.
Want to know about nuclear power?
Kheck the standings.
University of Wyoming Athletics
Winnipeg Blue Bombers
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More to kome later. . .Stay tuned and God Bless. . . . .